Our Ministries
Board of Christian Education
Purpose & Mission
Our goal is to have a teaching ministry whereby all members embrace some form of Bible study either before each meeting, or through attending Sunday School, Bible study or Nurture.
To equip the membership with the word of God so that, at any time they are questioned concerning their belief they can give a reason for the hope that lies within them with gentleness and love. The Bible reads in II Timothy 2:15 that we are to study to show ourselves approved a workman that needeth not to be afraid rightly dividing the word of truth.
We have weekend seminars for members and non-members alike who desire more indepth teaching. Upon request, we offer two bible classes every Wednesday.
Our Mission: Psalm 32:8: "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye."
Church Music Department
Purpose & Mission
Celestial Voices (Mass Choir)
Joyful Sound (Youth and Young Adult Choir)
Angelic Voices (Children’s Choir)
The music department fulfills the overall mission and vision of this great Church through the delivery of:
Spiritual and spirit-led music that enhances the worship service
Anointed music that edifies, inspires, and challenges the body of Christ and enables all to experience Christ on a personal level
Thought-provoking and intelligent music that continues to raise the level of consciousness of the people to the awesome nature of the God we serve through praise and worship
Christ centered music that boldly shares the “Good News” with those who are lost
Innovative, fresh, and creative music that is unique to Beth Eden
Training that equips, and enables others to grow and realize their full potential
Brief History
The Celestial Voices, formally known as the Beth Eden Mass Choir was named in 1995. This choir organized before that time at the request of Pastor Gillette O. James. The Celestial Voices serve on the first three Sundays of the month and on fifth Sundays they occur.
The Joyful Sound Choir, formally known as the New Youth and Young Adult choir, was organized in 1989. The goal at that time was to reestablish the youth and young adult ministry of the church both spiritually and numerically. The Joyful Sound Choir serves on the fourth Sunday of each month.
The Angelic Voices, formally known as the Children’s Choir, was organized in and included to participate during church in 1973. The Angelic Voices/Children’s Choir serves on the third Sunday of each month.
Deacon Board
Purpose & Mission
The Deaconess Board shall strive to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. A Deaconess is a woman engaged in a rigorous program of theological study that provides the foundation for a charitable life. She is supportive of the Church’s public confession, and gives herself to acts of mercy and compassion involving human and spiritual care, instruction in the faith, mission work, and care for the weak, impoverished, women, and children who are in need.
A Deaconess is the wife of a Deacon, or a Christian woman willing and desirous of serving her Church. She must study to show herself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed.
Chairperson: William Booker
Vice Chairperson: Erwin Carpenter
2nd Vice Chairperson: Ernest DeBose
Recording Secretary: Isiah Reynolds
Men's Ministry
Purpose & Mission
To cultivate the Christian life of men through study, worship, fellowship and service
To enlist un-Churched men for fellowship, and service through the Church, and to bring unsaved men into vital relationship with God in Christ through personal commitment to Him
To cooperate with the pastor, officers, and other auxiliaries in developing and stimulating the work of the Church
To inspire men to support the total program of the Church, the community, the denomination and the world
To enlist and coordinate the manpower of the Church for an effective performance of essential Christian activities
To cultivate and train young men in the Church, and to organize a Young Men’s Ministry
President: Allan Harris
Vice President: Isaiah Reynolds
2nd Vice President: Brother Gary Proctor
Recording Secretary:
Brief History
The Men's Ministry at Beth Eden historically has worked with Boy/Cub Scouts for many years, and in the past has sponsored troops. The Men's Ministry also provides support to the Girl Scouts, as well as other worthwhile projects and activities.
The Men's Ministry meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9:00 am to 11:30 am.
Wedding Ministry
Purpose & Mission
The ministry of the Wedding Committee is to provide an open and welcoming Sanctuary and facilities to serve as a spiritual beginning for the union of those desiring to unite as one. We offer our house of worship to members of our church family and the entire Oakland/Bay Area and surrounding communities.
Our purpose is to encourage the beginning of life as one, to begin within a spiritual setting; covered with holy matrimony; surrounded by well-wishes for a bountiful and long lasting ~ Blessed ~ union.
Ours is to provide a spiritual setting, experienced planners, decorators, musicians, and coordinators – All of whom welcome the opportunity to encourage those who inquire to begin their lives by starting life together with the blessings of the church.
Brief History of Ministry/Organization
The Wedding ministry officially began in 1981. A committee of four persons was appointed by Dr. James; Deaconess Alma Golden, Dea. Roy Levine, Sis. Dora McWaine and Sis. Shirley Rodgers. Sis. Rodgers, was asked to convene this committee as an organized committee of the Beth Eden Baptist Church. By-Laws were established and a schedule of service was designed to properly service persons interested in holding their wedding ceremony at the “Oldest Black Baptist Church” in Alameda County – Beth Eden Baptist Church.
The committee evolved over a course of years and taking into consideration that our mission is to provide a spiritual place dedicated to reaching out to all. Over the past 26 years the wedding ministry has mentored several interested members of our congregation. Our committee serves with humility and expertise to all who enter our doors. We believe that Someone who Reaches for Your Hand and Touches your Heart will Forever be Joined Together as One.
Family Life Center
Purpose & Mission
The Church pledges to maintain excellence in programs and facilities that improve the overall quality of life, spiritually, mentally,physically, emotionally, culturally and socially. Beth Eden Baptist Church will enrich and unite its community through the building of its Family Life Center with programs and activiities that uplift the excellence of Christian Education.
Co-Chairperson: Brother Thomas Henderson
Co-Chairperson: Sister Regina Henry